

Subtract Decimals (Different Number of Decimal Places) Reasoning and Problem Solving

An image of the Subtract Decimals (Different Number of Decimal Places) Reasoning and Problem Solving Resource

Use this Year 5 Subtract Decimals (Different Number of Decimal Places) Reasoning and Problem Solving resource to give your class the chance to apply their knowledge of subtracting decimal numbers.

They begin with a problem solving challenge which requires them to try different solutions to find more than one answer. In the second and third questions, they have the chance to use mathematical vocabulary to explain their ideas about why a calculation is correct or incorrect. Incorrect answers target common mistakes which children make with this step.

An answer sheet is included to help teachers with marking and pupils with self marking.

A varied fluency resource is also available for this small step.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Solve problems involving number up to three decimal places