

Understand Thousandths Discussion Problem

Group work
An image of the Understand Thousandths Discussion Problem Resource

Inspire curiosity and enable a deeper understanding of decimals with this Year 5 Understand Thousandths Discussion Problem worksheet. This resource includes two problem-solving questions that will encourage mathematical discussion, investigation and a range of solution finding techniques. Both questions have multiple answers, so there is an option for children to compare their results and explain their findings.

We'd recommend using this as a challenge activity once children have a secure knowledge of decimals. It can be used in pairs or as a small group, or you could display the problems on the screen and open up the discussion to the whole class; it's entirely up to you! We've given an example answer for children to compare their outcomes with and this could be used as a prompt for children to find other answers.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Recognise and use thousandths and relate them to tenths, hundredths and decimal equivalents


Fractions Including Decimals

