Capital Letters for Places 2 Year 1 Capital Letters 2 Resource Pack

Capital Letters for Places 2 Year 1 Resource Pack

Step 5: Capital Letters for Places 2 Year 1 Resource Pack

Capital Letters for Places 2 Year 1 Resource Pack includes a teaching PowerPoint and differentiated varied fluency and application and reasoning resources. This pack is designed to work alongside our GPS Scheme of Work for Spring Block 3.

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What's included in the pack?

This pack includes:

  • Capital Letters for Places 2 Year 1 Teaching PowerPoint.
  • Capital Letters for Places 2 Year 1 Varied Fluency with answers.
  • Capital Letters for Places 2 Year 1 Application and Reasoning with answers.

National Curriculum Objectives

English Year 1: (1G5.1) Using a capital letter for names of people, places, the days of the week, and the personal pronoun ‘I’

English Year 1: (1G5.1) Introduction to capital letters to demarcate sentences

English Year 1: (1G5.1) Beginning to punctuate sentences using a capital letter

English Year 1: (1G5.2) Beginning to punctuate sentences using a full stop

English Year 1: (1G5.2) Introduction to full stops to demarcate sentences


Varied Fluency
Developing Questions to support writing capital letters for the names of places (UK capital cities, UK countries, continents and some European countries). Sentences and places begin with the ten easiest capital letters to form; ABEHILOPTX.
Expected Questions to support writing capital letters for the names of places (UK capital cities, UK countries, continents and some European countries). Sentences and places begin with the ten easiest capital letters to form; ABEHILOPTXCDFMSW.
Greater Depth Questions to support writing capital letters for the names of places (UK capital cities, UK countries, continents and some European countries). Sentences and places begin primarily (though not exclusively) with the ten hardest capital letters to form; GJKNQRUVYZ.

Application and Reasoning

Questions 1, 4 and 7 (Application)
Developing Create a sentence from given words when using capital letters for the names of places. Children mainly write the 10 easiest to form capital letters ABEHILOXPT. Errors at the beginning of words.
Expected Create a sentence from given words when using capital letters for the names of places. Children mainly write the 10 easiest to form capital letters as well as the next 6 ABCDEFHILMOPSTWX. Errors at the beginning of words.
Greater Depth Create a sentence using a given place when using capital letters for the names of places. Includes use of the 10 hardest to form capital letters GJKNQRUVYZ.

Questions 2, 5 and 8 (Reasoning)
Developing Decide whether a statement is correct and explain why when using capital letters for the names of places. Children mainly write the 10 easiest to form capital letters ABEHILOXPT. Errors at the beginning of words.
Expected Decide whether a statement is correct and explain why when using capital letters for the names of places. Children mainly write the 10 easiest to form capital letters as well as the next 6 ABCDEFHILMOPSTWX. Errors at the beginning of words.
Greater Depth Decide whether a statement is correct and explain why when using capital letters for the names of places. Includes use of the 10 hardest to form capital letters GJKNQRUVYZ.

Questions 3, 6 and 9 (Application)
Developing Correct the mistake in the sentences when using capital letters for the names of places. Children mainly write the 10 easiest to form capital letters ABEHILOXPT. Errors at the beginning of words.
Expected Correct the mistake in the sentences when using capital letters for the names of places. Children mainly write the 10 easiest to form capital letters as well as the next 6 ABCDEFHILMOPSTWX. Errors at the beginning of words.
Greater Depth Correct the mistake in the sentences when using capital letters for the names of places. Includes use of the 10 hardest to form capital letters GJKNQRUVYZ.

This resource is available to download with a Premium subscription.