Change the Conjunction KS1 SATs Test Practice questions have been taken from the Sample KS1 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling test to help your children practise using specific question types.
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This pack includes:
Year 1 English: (1G3.1) How words can combine to make sentences
(1G3.3) Joining words and joining clauses using 'and'
Year 2 English: (2G3.3) Co-ordination (using or, and, or but)
(2G3.4) Subordination (using when, if, that, or because)
Beginner Basic coordinating conjunctions (or, and, or but) with a basic reading level. Aimed at Year 1 Expected/Year 2 Developing.
Easy Coordinating conjunctions (or, and, or but) and subordinating conjunctions (that, or because) Aimed at Year 2 Expected.
Tricky Coordinating conjunctions (or, and, or but) and subordinating conjunctions (when, if, that, or because). Aimed at Year 2 Greater Depth.
This resource is available to download with a Premium subscription.