Consolidation of Steps 3-4 Year 3 Multiplication and Division Learning Video Clip

Consolidation of Steps 3-4 Year 3 Multiplication and Division Learning Video Clip

Step 3-4: Consolidation of Steps 3-4 Year 3 Multiplication and Division Learning Video Clip

Vodi and Efna are helping to get ready for a hunting trip. They have to work out how many spear heads they have sharpened and how many feathers they have for the bow and arrows. They both use different methods to work out their answers. Both Vodi and Efna must stay home and take care of the fields and animals, they have to work out the number of animals in each field through multiplication. At the end of a busy day, they head to the beach to play a multiplication game using throwing stones.

This Learning Video Clip has been designed as a consolidation tool for steps 3 and 4. It contains content relevant to all these steps and can be used in parts to recap a particular step or in on its own at the end of a teaching sequence for the included steps.

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Discussion points for teachers

1. Do you agree with Vodi?
Discuss what Vodi has shown. Discuss the numbers of place value counters and their value. Discuss the repeated addition and check the answer.
Vodi is correct. He has correctly shown the multiplication needed.

2. Complete the calculation to help correct Efna’s mistake.
Discuss the two representations and the sum. Discuss the column multiplication and spot the mistake.
Efna has correctly completed the table with Base 10, however in the column multiplication, she has written the digits in the wrong place.

3. Is Efna correct?
Discuss the two methods both Vodi and Efna have used.
Efna is correct, she has shown the sum as a column multiplication and correctly found the answer.

4. Complete the missing numbers in the column multiplication.
Discuss and model the column multiplication. Discuss the repeated addition and how this can help to place the digits in the correct columns.
Correctly show 27 x 2 = 54 complete with carrying.

5. Who is correct?
Discuss the two methods, work out the answer and discuss the correct answer.
Vodi is correct. Efna has written the digits in the answer in the wrong places.

6. If another 2 sheep are added to each field, how many will there be altogether?
Discuss how many sheep are now in each field. Discuss the sum needed to solve the problem.
33 x 4 = 132

7. Choose either Vodi or Efna’s method. What’s the highest score that can be achieved?
Discuss the game and the different methods and the different combinations of 3 stones which could be thrown.
Various answers, for example: 42 x 4 = 168


National Curriculum Objectives

Mathematics Year 3: (3C6) Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables

Mathematics Year 3: (3C7) Write and calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division using the multiplication tables that they know, including for two-digit numbers times one-digit numbers, using mental and progressing to formal written methods

Mathematics Year 3: (3C8) Solve problems, including missing number problems, involving multiplication and division, including positive integer scaling problems and correspondence problems in which n objects are connected to m objects

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