Count in 2s, 5s, 10s Year 2 Place Value Learning Video Clip

Count in 2s, 5s, 10s Year 2 Place Value Learning Video Clip

Step 9: Ordering Numbers and Objects Year 2 Place Value Learning Video Clip

Jib and his sister Mag are going to the park for the day. They need some help to count in 2s, 5s and 10s.

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Discussion points for teachers

        1. Help them to count the stars by counting in 5s. Discuss what counting in 5 means. Discuss how we can use our times tables to count things more quickly. Discuss how we can count the stars in groups of 5 instead of each individual star.
        2. Help Jib and Mag to count the moon rock in 2s to see who has the most. Discuss what counting in 2s means. Practice 2 times tables before counting the rocks in 2s.
        3. Help Jib by counting in 10s to see how many more 10t tokens he needs to afford each ice cream. Discuss how many tokens Jib started with. Discuss counting on in 10s from different numbers. Discuss which part of the number changes when we add 10. Discuss whether the ones ever change.
        4. Help her to work them out. Discuss what times table is shown on the hopscotch. Discuss how we can work out which numbers are missing. Discuss what the hopscotch would look like if the times table shown on the hopscotch was 5 or 10.

      Optional discussion points:

      This step may be a good time to introduce the term ‘times tables’ as children may not be familiar with it. What patterns can we spot in each of the times tables?

      National Curriculum Objectives

      Mathematics Year 2: (2N1) Count in steps of 2, 3 and 5, from 0, and in tens from any number, forward or backward

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