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KS1 Arithmetic Adding Multiples of 10 Test Practice

KS1 Arithmetic Adding Multiples of 10

KS1 Arithmetic Adding Multiples of 10 Worksheets

These KS1 Arithmetic adding multiples of 10 questions have been taken from the Sample KS1 Arithmetic test, 2016 KS1 Arithmetic test and 2017 KS1 Arithmetic test to help your children practise specific question types.

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What's included in the pack?

This pack includes:

  • Four differentiated levels of KS1 Arithmetic Adding Multiples of 10 test practice with 3 or 4 worksheets for each level.


Beginner Adding 10 to numbers less than 10. Aimed at Year 2 Emerging.

Easy Adding 10 to 2-digit numbers. Aimed at Year 2 Developing.

Tricky Adding different multiple of 10 amounts to 2-digit numbers. Aimed at Year 2 Secure.

Expert Adding multiples of 100 to 2-digit numbers. Aimed at Year 2 Mastery.


National Curriculum Objectives

Mathematics Year 2: (2C2b) Add and subtract numbers using concrete objects, pictorial representations, and mentally for a two-digit number and ones

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