Long Division 1 Year 6 Four Operations Learning Video Clip

Long Division 1 Year 6 Four Operations Learning Video Clip

Step 5: Long Division 1 Year 6 Four Operations Learning Video Clip

Buzz is working on the International Space Station. Help Buzz with his calculations using long division.

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Discussion points for teachers

1.At a speed of 12 km per hour, how long would it take to a human to run this distance?
Discuss the information needed for this calculation. Discuss estimates before calculating.
34 hours.

2.How could this calculation be recorded?
Discuss how to record this calculation and the difference between informal methods, the expanded written method and the formal written method. This question is open-ended for the children to explore.
For example:

3.How many buses would fit across the width of the space station?
Discuss the information needed for this calculation. Discuss estimates before calculating.

4.How many days has he been working on the space station so far?
Discuss the information needed for this calculation. Discuss estimates before calculating.

5.Can you explain the error he has made?
Discuss whether the calculation has been set out correctly and any errors that have been made in the calculation. Discuss how to work out the calculation correctly.

National Curriculum Objectives

Mathematics Year 6: (6C7b) Divide numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal written method of long division, and interpret remainders as whole number remainders, fractions, or by rounding, as appropriate for the context

Mathematics Year 6: (6C8) Solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

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