

Numbers to 10,000,000 Homework

An image of the Numbers to 10,000,000 Homework Resource

Looking for a resource to consolidate your in-class learning about numbers to ten million? Try our Year 6 Numbers to 10,000,000 Homework resource, made up of two varied fluency and one problem solving and reasoning question, for a take-home activity or an extension to be used in class.

This homework has been differentiated three ways, as shown below, to allow access and extension for all:

Developing: Questions to support writing and representing numbers up to 10 million, using numerals and words, but no zero as a place holder.

Expected: Questions to support writing and representing numbers up to 10 million.

Greater Depth: Questions to support writing and representing numbers up to 10 million, using numerals, words and unconventional partitioning.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Read, write, order and compare numbers up to 10 000 000
  • Determine the value of each digit in numbers up to 10 000 000


Number and Place Value


