National Curriculum Objectives
English Y2: Writing narratives about personal experiences and those of others (real and fictional)
English Y3/4: In narratives, creating settings, characters and plot
English Y5/6: In narratives, describing settings, characters and atmosphere and integrating dialogue to convey character and advance the action
Beginner Ideas and prompts for extended writing using simple pronouns and simple verbs. Aimed at Year 2 Developing.
Easy Ideas and prompts for extended writing using pronouns, powerful verbs and simple fronted adverbials. Aimed at Year 2 Secure/Year 3 Emerging/Year 4 Emerging.
Tricky Ideas and prompts for extended writing using pronouns, powerful verbs, fronted adverbials and expanded noun phrases. Aimed at Year 2 Mastery/Year 3 Developing/Year 4 Developing.
Expert Ideas and prompts for extended writing using pronouns, powerful verbs, fronted adverbials and expanded noun phrases with prepositions. Aimed at Year 3 Secure/Year 4 Secure/Year 5 Emerging/Year 6 Emerging.
Brainbox Ideas and prompts for extended writing using pronouns, powerful verbs, expanded noun phrases with prepositions and a variety of fronted adverbials. Aimed at Year 3 Mastery/Year 4 Mastery/Year 5 Developing/Year 6 Developing.
Genius Ideas and prompts for extended writing using pronouns, powerful verbs, expanded noun phrases with prepositions, a variety of fronted adverbials, similes, metaphors and personification. Aimed at Year 5 Secure/Year 6 Secure.
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