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Question or not a Question? Year 1 Questions Resource Pack

Question or not a Question? Year 1 Resource Pack

Step 4: Question or not a Question? Year 1 Resource Pack

Question or not a Question? Year 1 Resource Pack includes a teaching PowerPoint and differentiated varied fluency and application and reasoning resources. This pack is designed to work alongside our GPS Scheme of Work for Summer Block 1.

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What's included in the pack?

This pack includes:

  • Question or not a Question? Year 1 Teaching PowerPoint.
  • Question or not a Question? Year 1 Varied Fluency with answers.
  • Question or not a Question? Year 1 Application and Reasoning with answers.


National Curriculum Objectives

English Year 1: (1G5.3) Introduction to question marks to demarcate sentences

English Year 1: (1G5.3) Beginning to punctuate sentences using a question mark


Varied Fluency
Developing Identify if a sentence is a question or a statement. Sentences use vocabulary that is phonetically decodable but does not feature split digraphs.
Expected Identify if a sentence is a question or a statement. Sentences use vocabulary that is phonetically decodable using knowledge of all taught sounds needed for the phonics screening.
Greater Depth Identify if a sentence is a question or a statement. Sentences use vocabulary that is made up of all taught sounds as well as words taken from the Year 1 spelling lists.

Application and Reasoning
Questions 1, 4 and 7 (Reasoning)
Developing Explain if a sentence is a question or a statement using vocabulary that is phonetically decodable but does not feature split digraphs.
Expected Explain if a sentence is a question or a statement using vocabulary that is phonetically decodable using knowledge of all taught sounds needed for the phonics screening.
Greater Depth Explain if a sentence is a question or a statement using vocabulary that is phonetically decodable using vocabulary that is made up of all taught sounds as well as words taken from the Year 1 spelling lists.

Questions 2, 5 and 8 (Application)
Developing Add question words and punctuation to complete the question and statement using vocabulary that is phonetically decodable but does not feature split digraphs.
Expected Add question words and punctuation to complete the question and statement using vocabulary that is phonetically decodable using knowledge of all taught sounds needed for the phonics screening.
Greater Depth Add question words and punctuation to complete the question and statement using vocabulary that is phonetically decodable using vocabulary that is made up of all taught sounds as well as words taken from the Year 1 spelling lists.

Questions 3, 6 and 9 (Application)
Developing Rearrange the words to create a statement or a question and add the correct punctuation. Words include vocabulary that is phonetically decodable but does not feature split digraphs.
Expected Rearrange the words to create a statement or a question and add the correct punctuation. Words include vocabulary that is phonetically decodable using knowledge of all taught sounds needed for the phonics screening.
Greater Depth Rearrange the words to create a statement or a question and add the correct punctuation. Words include vocabulary that is made up of all taught sounds as well as words taken from the Year 1 spelling lists.

This resource is available to download with a Premium subscription.