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Read and Interpret Tables Year 5 Statistics Learning Video Clip

Read and Interpret Tables Year 5 Video Clip

Step 4: Read and Interpret Tables Year 5 Statistics Learning Video Clip

Coral and Sandy Shaw visit St Michael’s Mount. There, they use a number of tables to establish arrival time, which walking route to take and visitor numbers.

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Discussion points for teachers

1. On which day do you have to spend the longest time on the island before you can leave?
Discuss a method to find the answer quickly using approximation.

2. On which days can they visit?
Discuss finding the difference using time.
Wednesday, Thursday. Friday is also a possible answer if a child explains that they don’t have to leave immediately just because the footpath has reopened.

3. How far would she walk?
Discuss conversion between metres and kilometres. Discuss the function required to answer the question.
2,785 metres

4. Which walks can they do?
Discuss a systematic method to ensure all possibilities are included. This question is open-ended for the children to explore.
Various answers, for example: the Barge House to Visitor Centre walk and the Castle to Chapel Rock walk.

5. What is the difference between the largest number and smallest number of visitors?
Discuss ordering to ensure largest and smallest figures are used. Discuss finding the difference.

6. Using the data on the table, predict a suitable number of visitors for 2016. Explain why you have chosen this number.
Discuss making a suitable prediction based on the trends that are already in the table. This question is open-ended for the children to explore.
Various answers, between 300,000 and 350,000. Explanations linked to trends in other years.

National Curriculum Objectives

Mathematics Year 5: (5S1) Complete, read and interpret information in tables, including timetables

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