This EYFS Halving within 10 learning activity enables children to explore the concept of sharing objects into two groups. Children need to count the initial amount and record the numeral. They then share the quantity between the two items, for example jars. Children may need support to remember that both amounts need to be equal. Children are then required to count the amount in each group to state what half is and complete the recording. This resource could be transferred to a practical context by placing small counting items on top of the amounts shown and then moving them into two baskets, for example. Where possible, complete sharing and halving activities practically. Other examples include sharing shells into two buckets, throwing bean bags into two hoops.
It covers the following objectives for children in reception:
(M-23) Link the number symbol (numeral) with its cardinal number value.
(M-25) Compare numbers.
(M-27) Explore the composition of numbers to 10.