Humpty Dumpty Physical Development

Group work
An image of the Humpty Dumpty Physical Development Resource

This EYFS Humpty Dumpty Physical Development activity is adult-led with a clear and easy to follow structure. These activities link to the ELGs for Building Relationships and Gross Motor Skills. First there is a warm-up game followed by two different engaging activities and the session is completed with a cool down. All these activities have been based on the themes from Humpty Dumpty. A session could involve all the activities or a selection based on the needs of the children.

It covers the following objectives for children in reception:

Revise and refine the fundamental movement skills they have already acquired: - rolling - crawling - walking - jumping - running - hopping - skipping - climbing

Curriculum Objectives

  • Work and play cooperatively and take turns with others
  • Negotiate space and obstacles safely, with consideration for themselves and others
  • Demonstrate strength, balance and coordination when playing
  • Move energetically, such as running, jumping, dancing, hopping, skipping and climbing


Building Relationships

Gross Motor Skills