
Bonfire Night Board Game and Resource Pack

Group work
An image of the Bonfire Night Board Game and Resource Pack Resource

This KS2 Bonfire Night Board Game and Resource Pack is a complete set of activities to teach your children all about Bonfire Night. The pack contains a fact file with all the information about Guy Fawkes. There is a handy glossary for keywords the children have been introduced to. Then the children can complete a crossword, a crisscross, a wordsearch and an anagrams worksheet. The children can then have a go at matching the key events of the Gunpowder Plot onto a timeline. There is also a fun quiz to allow your children the chance to practice retrieval and inference skills using the fact file. Another worksheet provides the opportunity to decide if the statements are true or false.

To top it all off there are also a selection of writing opportunities and a cloze activity to further your children's understanding.

All the activities come complete with an answer sheet too!

The board game covers addition and subtraction up to 5 digits which allows them to progress around the game board.

This resource pack is a complete day of activities for your children including writing tasks and an Addition and Subtraction game. Making this pack a perfect day of activities whilst still focusing on key learning for the day.


Bonfire Night
