
Goodnight Mister Tom - Chapter 1 Whole Class Guided Reading Pack

An image of the Goodnight Mister Tom - Chapter 1 Whole Class Guided Reading Pack Resource

Find out what happens when Tom, an evacuee, is sent to live in the countryside with our KS2 Goodnight Mister Tom Chapter 1 Whole Class Guided Reading Pack. This resource contains both a pupil and teacher version, along with differentiated questions and answers. Children will retrieve information, make inferences and explore language choices before completing additional challenge tasks focussed upon past/present tense, synonyms, word definitions and statements.

National Curriculum Objectives:

-Understand what they read by checking that the book makes

sense to them, discussing their understanding and exploring the meaning of words in


-Understand what they read by drawing inferences such as

inferring characters feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions, and justifying

inferences with evidence



Reading Comprehension