
Who Let the Gods Out - Chapter 29 Whole Class Guided Reading Pack

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This KS Who Let the Gods Out? Chapter 29 whole-class guided reading includes differentiated questions and activities based on chapter twenty-nine of the popular novel by Maz Evans.

In the final chapter, Elliot and the Gods celebrate their victory over Thanatos but some come back down to Earth when they remember Elliot and Josie have to leave Home Farm. Hermes comes up with a plan to stop Patricia from buying the farm which works! Elliot, his mum and the Gods all celebrate Christmas together and Elliot reflects on his recent adventures. Zeus and Elliot have a talk away from the others where Zeus warns Elliot that Thanatos will probably make another appearance soon. Zeus entrusts Elliot with the Earth Stone and also warns him of the power it could hold over Elliot. As they go back inside to listen to the Queen's Speech, there is a knock at the door and Zeus is shocked by the visitor...

This pack contains colour-coded questions to ensure clear differentiation, as well as differentiated challenge tasks focussed upon book reviews, peronsal opinions of the story, positive/negative themes and newspaper articles.