This KS2 Who Let the Gods Out? Chapter 6 Whole Class Guided Reading Pack has differentiated questions and activities to be used in a whole-class reading session based on the sixth chapter of the popular novel by Maz Evans.
In this chapter, Elliot decides to take Venus to the police station. On the way, Venus shows Elliot that she is immortal (and not lying) by entering the river and staying under water for 5 minutes. Elliot finally believes her when she uses her constellation to dry them both after Elliot goes into the river thinking she had drowned. Elliot then takes Venus to Stonehenge where she looks for the entrance to Prisoner Forty-two's cell.
This pack contains colour-coded questions to ensure clear differentiation, as well as differentiated challenge tasks focussed upon brackets, speech, relative clauses and colons.
National Curriculum Objectives:
- understand what they read by drawing inferences such as inferring characters feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions, and justifying inferences with evidence