Please note that we do not have reading skills resources for every chapter of this book. Every effort has been made to ensure a wide range of questions have been included in the chapters we have resourced, covering each content domain.
Are you looking for some questions to use with Rooftoppers by Katherine Rundell? The questions are organised into content domains to allow a focus on one or more specific skills. Alongside questions for more in-depth written answer practice.
This Rooftoppers reading resource can be used individually, in groups or as a class and, where needed, content domains can be separated out and focused on, or all the domains can be covered collectively.
Rooftoppers by Katherine Rundell is an heart warming story about a spunky, intelligent girl called Sophie, who was found floating in a cello case in the English channel as a baby. The man who found her Charles, decides immediately to do the only natural thing to raise and love this baby girl as if she was his own.
National Curriculum Objectives:
Reading Comprehension