

Subtraction - Find a Part Homework

An image of the Subtraction - Find a Part Homework Resource

Give children another opportunity to apply their subtracting skills with this ready-to-complete Year 1 Subtraction- Find a Part Homework resource. We've included two varied fluency questions and a reasoning style question for children to practise the skills of subtracting to find a part. This resource has been differentiated three ways to ensure all children in your class can access the objectives covered, and they're give choice and challenge too.

Use this as your weekly homework activity, as the name suggests! Alternatively this can be used in class as an extension activity, in your provision areas with manipulatives for support, or use it as part of an intervention session. The choice is up to you! It comes with an answer page too, so you can whizz through your marking in no time.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20
  • Read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition (+), subtraction (–) and equals (=) signs


Addition and Subtraction


