

What is a Question Prior Learning

An image of the What is a Question Prior Learning Resource

Use this Year 1 What is a Question Prior Learning worksheet to assess children's understanding of recognising sentences before moving onto questions. It covers what a sentence is, when to start a new sentence and how to punctuate them with a full stop.

An answer sheet is provided in a child-friendly way to allow for peer or self marking or to make marking and misconception checking quicker and easier.

This worksheet could be used as a prior knowledge check before the lesson or with small groups of children who may need extra support with sentences.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Beginning to punctuate sentences using a capital letter / Using a capital letter for names of people, places, the days of the week, and the personal pronoun ‘I’ / Introduction to capital letters to demarcate sentences / Terminology for pupils: letter / Terminology for pupils: capital letter
  • Beginning to punctuate sentences using a full stop / Introduction to full stops to demarcate sentences / Terminology for pupils: full stop






Year 1 Questions