

Spelling Baseline Assessment 1

Test Practice
An image of the Spelling Baseline Assessment 1 Resource

This Year 2 Spelling Baseline Assessment has been designed to save you time! Have a look at our Year 2 Spelling Baseline Assessment covering the domains for the recaps of common exception words, split digraph sounds, /l/ /s/ /z/ and /k/ sounds spelt ff ll ss zz and ck and syllables and the ? sound spelt n before k, -tch /v/ sound at the end of words adding s and es to words, and adding ing, ed, er, est to verbs no change to the root. This Year 2 spelling assessment pack also includes a teacher guide containing a script and further information for using this resource.

This baseline assessment covers the following spelling domains and you can also find further resource activity packs on our website to support your teaching of the spelling domains covered in this baseline assessment.

  • S37 – Recap – y1 Common exception words
  • S37 – Recap – y1 Common exception words
  • S1 and S2 – Recap - /l/ /s/ /z/ and /k/ sounds spelt ff ll ss zz and ck and syllables and the ? sound spelt n before k
  • S3, S4 and S5 – Recap -tch /v/ sound at the end of words adding s and es to words
  • S6 and S7 – Recap – adding ing, ed, er, est to verbs no change to the root
  • S8 – Recap – split digraph sounds

Curriculum Objectives

  • the sounds /f/, /l/, /s/, /z/ and /k/ spelt ff, ll, ss, zz and ck
  • the ŋ sound spelt n before k
  • –tch
  • the /v/ sound at the end of words
  • adding –s and –es to words (plural of nouns and the third-person singular of verbs)
  • adding the endings –ing, –ed and –er to verbs where no change is needed in the root word
  • adding –er and –est to adjectives where no change is needed in the root word
  • vowel digraphs and trigraphs: ai, oi, ay, oy, a–e, e–e, i–e, o–e, u–e, ar, ee, ea (/i:/), ea (/ɛ/), er (/ɜ:/), er (/ə/), ir, ur, oo (/u:/), oo(/ʊ/), oa, oe, ou, ow (/aʊ/), ow (/əʊ/), ue, ew, ie (/aɪ/), ie (/i:/), igh, or, ore, aw, au, air, ear, ear (/ɛə/), are (/ɛə/)
  • common exception words










