

Tens and Ones 1 Modelling PPT

An image of the Tens and Ones 1 Modelling PPT Resource

Relieve some of the load of your teaching with this Year 2 Tens and Ones 1 Modelling PPT, which is designed to be used alongside your input. The PowerPoint features an introductory slide, recapping essential learning before moving on to a range of fluency questions. After that, children are given a mix of reasoning and problem solving questions to answer. Each slide comes with an accompanying answer slide, which provides instant feedback for your eager learners. As if that wasn't enough, each of the questions in the modelling PPT is then covered again in our VF and RPS worksheets, so your children have even more practise answering questions about tens and ones. Download this brilliant resource today to kick-start your teaching.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Read and write numbers to at least 100 in numerals and in words
  • Recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit number (tens and ones)
  • Identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations, including the number line
  • Use place value and number facts to solve problems


Number and Place Value




