

2-Digit and 3-Digit Numbers Modelling PPT

An image of the 2-Digit and 3-Digit Numbers Modelling PPT Resource

Introduce adding and subtracting 2 and 3-digit numbers to your class with this Year 3 2-Digit and 3-Digit Numbers Modelling PowerPoint.

This slideshow introduces your class to an assortment of varied fluency, reasoning and problem-solving questions, all designed to help your children gain a better understanding of adding and subtracting 2 and 3-digit numbers better whilst applying that knowledge to a range of question types.

Ideal for use as part of your whole-class teaching, this resource is supported by other resources such as varied fluency worksheets, reasoning and problem-solving worksheets, discussion problems, and much more!

Curriculum Objectives

  • Add and subtract numbers with up to three digits, using formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction
  • Solve problems, including missing number problems, using number facts, place value, and more complex addition and subtraction


Addition and Subtraction


