

Free Apply Number Bonds within 10 Reasoning and Problem Solving

An image of the Free Apply Number Bonds within 10 Reasoning and Problem Solving Resource

The name's Bond. Number Bond. 007 + 3 = 10, with a licence to reason and problem solve.

If you'd like your children to be able to understand terrible jokes like that, why not have a look at this Year 3 Apply Number Bonds within 10 worksheet? It can't help with my poor sense of humour, but it can provide 6 reasoning and problem-solving questions that are sure to help your class better understand and apply number bonds within 10! This resource can be done at school or at home, and we've even included a handy answer sheet, to save you marking time and give you longer to do what you love outside of work. We like your free time taken, not deferred.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Add and subtract numbers mentally, including: three-digit number and ones; three-digit number and tens; three-digit number and hundreds


Addition and Subtraction

