

Column Subtraction (2 Exchanges) Reasoning and Problem Solving

An image of the Column Subtraction (2 Exchanges) Reasoning and Problem Solving Resource

Consolidate application of how to exchange from two columns during column subtraction further with this reasoning and problem solving worksheet!

This Year 3 Column Subtraction (2 Exchanges) Reasoning and Problem Solving resource will help children understand this skill. They will explain mistakes in calculations, find possible numbers to complete a column subtraction with two exchanges and carry out column subtractions with two exchanges in a real-life context. Answers are also provided for ease of marking.

A varied fluency resource and discussion problem are also available for this concept to support understanding further.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Add and subtract numbers with up to three digits, using formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction




Addition and Subtraction (within 1,000)