

Past and Present Tense 1 Modelling PPT

An image of the Past and Present Tense 1 Modelling PPT Resource

Do you need a set of questions to demonstrate the skills of using the past and present tense correctly? Look no further than our Year 3 Past and Present Tense 1 Modelling PowerPoint. In this resource, you will find a range of varied fluency, reasoning and application questions, where children can test their knowledge. Each question slide is followed by an answer slide where you can show the modelled answer and address any misconceptions too.

Use this as part of your teaching input to introduce the question styles children might come across in the accompanying resources. Alternatively, this can be used as a recap tool in an intervention group, or display the questions on screen for children to answer as an extension activity.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Learn how to use: The present and past tenses correctly and consistently including the progressive form / Correct choice and consistent use of present tense and past tense throughout writing / Terminology for pupils: tense (past, present)