

Subtract a 2-Digit Number from a 3-Digit Number Homework

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Use this Year 3 Subtract a 2-Digit Number from a 3-Digit Number extension task at home or at school for a little extra practice on top of our worksheets for this lesson. This pack is differentiated three ways, to offer you choice, and you'll find two varied fluency questions and one reasoning question at each level.

The pack comes with an answer sheet to help speed up your marking and make life a little simpler. It can also be used by your class for self- and peer-marking!

Curriculum Objectives

  • Recognise the place value of each digit in a three-digit number (hundreds, tens, ones)
  • Add and subtract numbers mentally, including: three-digit number and ones; three-digit number and tens; three-digit number and hundreds
  • Add and subtract numbers with up to three digits, using formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction
  • Solve problems, including missing number problems, using number facts, place value, and more complex addition and subtraction