Build your children's confident in their times tables recall knowledge by using this Year 3 Times Tables Quiz Pack 7. This resource includes a PowerPoint with 20 quick fire questions for children to answer. The questions in this pack are based on the 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables. It includes information slides, a practice question, based on the 1 times table and then the 20 quick fire questions. We recommend you use this in presentation mode as the slides include a 6-second timer and fade from one questions to the next, with pause slides in between questions. This acts as a great reset before they have to answer the next question.
The resource also contains a teacher pack with instructions that can be used by any adult in the classroom. There's an answer worksheet that children can use to record their answers and a marking page with the answers for reference if needs be. Children can use this resource independently with the answer sheet, or with an adult on a one to one basis, so they can say the answer out loud. This is a great tool to use in preparation for the times table check that takes place in year 4. We believe it is never too early to get the practice in!
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