Are you looking for a set of example questions to model how to use division facts and techniques for solving division problems? Well, you can stop your search now, with this Year 4 Divide a 3-Digit Number by a 1-Digit Number Modelling PowerPoint. We've collated a set of varied fluency, reasoning and problem-solving questions and put them all in one place for you to use with your class. Each question includes a modelled answer for your class to compare their results to and for you to pick up on any misconceptions children might encounter.
Use at the beginning of your lesson as a teaching tool to model how to answer each question. Alternatively, you could use this as an intervention resource to recap learning for those who find this concept tricky, or you could display different questions on screen for children to attempt as a challenge activity. It works well alongside the other resources in this lesson such as our individual skilled worksheets.
Multiplication and Division