

Estimate Answers Prior Learning

An image of the Estimate Answers Prior Learning Resource

Fed up with children making wild guesses when they are asked to estimate the answers to additions and subtractions? You need to download and use our Year 4 Estimate Answers Prior Learning resource. This worksheet covers an objective found in year three where children are introduced to estimating, in order to prepare them for the new learning that will take place in this lesson. With a mix of varied fluency, reasoning and problem-solving questions, children can put their skills into practise.

Use this at the beginning of your lesson as a tool to gauge where children are currently at, so they are ready for the rest of the lesson. Alternatively, this could be used as a homework resource or a task in an intervention. The handy answer sheet will help you speed through your marking in no time.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Estimate the answer to a calculation and use inverse operations to check answers