

Negative Numbers Prior Learning

An image of the Negative Numbers Prior Learning Resource

Get children prepared to tackle negative numbers with this Year 4 Negative Numbers Prior Learning resource. This worksheet consists of three varied fluency questions, two reasoning questions and a problem-solving question all linked to number lines to 1,000. By completing this worksheet, children will be prepared for the new learning that takes place in this lesson all about negative numbers.

Great to use at the beginning of your lesson as a way to gauge where children's knowledge and understanding is at. Alternatively, this can be used in a small intervention group to offer further support where required, or it could be used as a homework or an extension activity. It's up to you! We've given you a handy answer page to allow for speedy marking, or use it as a peer or self assessment tool.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations


Number and Place Value

