

Subtract Two 4-Digit Numbers - No Exchange Homework

An image of the Subtract Two 4-Digit Numbers - No Exchange Homework Resource

Give your class another opportunity to show off their subtraction skills with our Year 4 Subtract Two 4-Digit Numbers - No Exchange Homework. This resource has been differentiated into three levels of challenge and includes two varied fluency questions and a reasoning question per worksheet.

Great to use in class as a challenge activity, or use as a homework task as the resource name suggests. You could also use this in an intervention group to give children additional support too. We've given you a handy answer sheet, so you will whizz through your marking pile, or exchange it for a peer or self assessment tool! The choice in how you use this is up to you!

Curriculum Objectives

  • Add and subtract numbers with up to 4 digits using the formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction where appropriate