Are your children ready to test their times tables recall skills? Let them try this Year 4 Times Tables Quiz Pack 3. This resource includes a teacher's pack and an interactive PowerPoint for your class to use independently or on a one to one basis with an adult.
Our teacher pack includes an instruction guide based on our suggested way to use this resource, an answer template page that you can print off for children to use and a marking guide to help you power through that growing marking pile!
The PowerPoint includes 25 questions based on any times table up to 12 x 12. It's been designed to help children get prepared for the times table check that takes place later in the year. We recommend that you use the PowerPoint in presentation mode as there's a 6-second timer for each question and the presentation will move onto the next question automatically. In between each question slide, there's a pause slide to give children a chance to reset before they tackle the next one.
Multiplication and Division
Mixed Maths