

Times Tables Quiz Pack 4

An image of the Times Tables Quiz Pack 4 Resource

Give your class the opportunity to put their times tables recall skills into practice with this Year 4 Times Tables Quiz Pack 4. This resource includes a teacher's pack and an interactive PowerPoint that helps children to feel prepared for the times table check that takes place later in the year.

The PowerPoint consists of 25 questions based on any times table up to 12 x 12, and children have 6-seconds to answer each one. We'd recommend using the PowerPoint in presentation mode so that the questions disappear from screen once the timer finishes. This is similar to the test they will encounter. We've included a pause slide in between each of the questions to give children the chance to reset before they tackle the next one.

Our teacher pack includes an instruction page, that is suitable for any adult in your class to use, an answer template page and a marking guide too. Children can use the answer template to record the answer for each question in the space provided, or say the answer out loud if they are using this resource on a one to one basis with an adult.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12


Multiplication and Division

Mixed Maths
