Add decimals with the same number of decimal places using this reasoning and problem solving worksheet. Differentiated three ways and includes an answer sheet for easy marking.
Questions 1, 4 and 7 (Problem Solving)
Developing Calculate the highest amount, adding 2 numbers with same decimal places involving tenths and hundredths, from a choice of amounts. Minimal exchanges.
Expected Calculate the highest amount, adding 3 numbers with same decimal places involving ones, tenths and hundredths, from a choice of amounts. Some exchanges.
Greater Depth Calculate the highest amount, adding 4 numbers with same decimal places involving tens, ones, tenths and hundredths, from a choice of amounts. Multiple exchanges.
Questions 2, 5 and 8 (Problem Solving)
Developing Move across a number grid of 5x5, calculating the compound sum as you go. Numbers include tenths and hundredths and the aim is to create the lowest sum.
Expected Move across a number grid of 7x7, calculating the compound sum as you go. Numbers include ones, tenths and hundredths and the aim is to create the lowest sum.
Greater Depth Move across a number grid of 8x8, calculating the compound sum as you go. Numbers include tens, ones, tenths and hundredths and the aim is to create the lowest sum.
Questions 3, 6 and 9 (Reasoning)
Developing Consider 3 additions of numbers including tenths and hundredths. Order the calculations from easiest to hardest giving reasoning for the position of each.
Expected Consider 4 additions of numbers including ones, tenths and hundredths. Order the calculations from easiest to hardest giving reasoning for the position of each.
Greater Depth Consider 4 additions of numbers including tens, ones, tenths and hundredths. Order the calculations from easiest to hardest giving reasoning for the position of each.