

Compare and Order Numbers to 1,000,000 Discussion Problem

Group work
An image of the Compare and Order Numbers to 1,000,000 Discussion Problem Resource

With a million and one jobs to do as a teacher, let us solve one problem for you. We challenge your class to solve this Year 5 Compare and Order Numbers to 1,000,000 Discussion Problem by using their number and place value knowledge and understanding! This resource consists of two in-depth problem-solving questions to encourage collaboration, deeper thinking and curiosity within your class. With multiple solutions, each question has the potential to be used one million times.

We would suggest using this resource with your class once they have mastered the required skills to achieve the objectives covered. A good way to do this is by using the associated resources you will find in this lesson. You could also use it as a challenge in an intervention group. We've provided an example answer sheet for children to compare their answers to as well.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Read, write, order and compare numbers to at least 1,000,000