

Multiply Fractions by Fractions Modelling PPT

An image of the Multiply Fractions by Fractions Modelling PPT Resource

This Year 6 Multiply Fractions by Fractions Modelling PowerPoint is a great resource to use at the beginning of your lesson. Put the PowerPoint on your whiteboard to give your children access to a range of questions. The PowerPoint begins with an introductory question that covers essential learning, before moving on to a range of fluency, reasoning and problem-solving questions. Each question is accompanied by an answer slide, providing your class with instant feedback.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Use common factors to simplify fractions; use common multiples to express fractions in the same denomination
  • Multiply simple pairs of proper fractions, writing the answer in its simplest form [for example, 1/4 × 1/2 = 1/8]