

Reason from Known Facts Homework

An image of the Reason from Known Facts Homework Resource

Reasoning from known facts can be tricky. It involves drawing on so many different bits of knowledge and applying them in the right ways. So, if your class needs a little more time and a few more goes at working it all out, why not give them this Year 6 Reason from Known Facts extension worksheet? It's a great homework task, but also works wonderfully in class. With three levels of differentiation available, and three great questions at each level (two varied fluency and one problem-solving), there should be something for every pupil in this pack.

When it comes to marking, we've got you covered with a helpful answer sheet. It's nice and simple to follow, so is a great aid to children when it comes to self- and peer-marking as well.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division



