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Roald Dahl’s Heroes and Villains (Y1m/Y2s/Y3e) Guided Reading Pack

Guided Reading Pack

This Guided Reading Pack is linked to Roald Dahl and is a comparison between the heroes and villains in Roald Dahl's books.

National Curriculum Objectives (England)
Reading: English Y2: Participate in discussion about books, poems and other works that are read to them and those that they can read for themselves, taking turns and listening to what others say
SPAG: English Y2: Formation of adjectives using suffixes such as –ful, –less (A fuller list of suffixes can be found in the year 2 spelling section in English Appendix 1)

Curriculum for Excellence Objectives (Scotland)
Literacy and English: Reading: First: I can share my thoughts about structure, characters and/or setting, recognise the writer’s message and relate it to my own experiences, and comment on the effective choice of words and other features

Curriculum for Wales Objectives (Wales)
English: Reading: Comprehension Y1/2: Recall and explain relevant details from texts
Response and Analysis Y1/2: Explore, understand and express opinions about language, information and events in texts

Level of this Pack:
Old National Curriculum (England): 2b
New National Curriculum (England): Year 1 Mastery/Year 2 Secure/Year 3 Emerging
Curriculum for Excellence (Scotland): P1 Mastery/P2 Secure/P3 Emerging
Curriculum for Wales (Wales): Year 1 Mastery/Year 2 Secure/Year 3 Emerging
Book Band: Gold
PM Benchmark Level: 21 & 22
Reading Recovery Level: 21 & 22
Reading Age: 7 1/2 - 8

The pack includes:
Oral teacher questions with answers for guided reading sessions. Each question is linked to: the New National Curriculum (England) Reading Expectations; the Curriculum for Excellence (Scotland) English and Literacy Reading Expectations; and the Curriculum for Wales Reading Expectations.
Follow-up work with answers.
Spelling, punctuation and grammar work related to the text with answers.
Vocabulary work related to words in the story.

Complete Pack

Roald Dahl's Heroes and Villans (Y1m/Y2s/Y3e) - Complete Pack

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