Step 6: Round Within 100,000 Year 5 Place Value Learning Video Clip
Buzz and Reena are astronauts travelling around the universe who need help with ordering and comparing numbers to 100,000 and beyond.
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Discussion points for teachers
- Help Buzz and Reena to round each planet to the nearest 10, 100, 1,000 and 10,000 kilometres. Discuss how to round each number. Discuss whether decimal numbers are relevant when rounding.
- Which planets round to the same number when rounded to the nearest 10,000km? Does that mean that they are the same size? Discuss methods for comparing rounded numbers.
- Which way of rounding is the most useful when comparing the size of the planets? Discuss whether rounding to the nearest 10 is useful when comparing 5 and 6-digit numbers.
- Help Buzz and Reena to estimate the total distance of their journey by rounding each distance shown on the map. Discuss how the total distance can be estimated using number bonds once the numbers are rounded to the nearest 1,000km. This question is open ended for the children to explore.
- How much fuel will they need to ensure that the space buggy can complete the full journey? Discuss how the calculation can be completed using mental strategies once the children have rounded to the nearest 1,000km.
- How many containers of fuel will they need? Discuss how the volume of fuel could be rounded to the nearest 10 as it is a 2-digit number. This is a good opportunity to discuss when rounding down is inappropriate.
- Where could they have gone wrong with their calculations? Discuss how rounding down to the nearest 10 could have caused Buzz and Reena to miscalculate the volume of fuel required to complete the journey.
Optional discussion points:
When is it inappropriate to round up or down?
National Curriculum Objectives
Mathematics Year 5: (5N2) Read, write, order and compare numbers to at least 1 000 000 and determine the value of each digit
Mathematics Year 5: (5N4) Round any number up to 1 000 000 to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10 000 and 100 000
Mathematics Year 5: (5N6) Solve number problems and practical problems that involve (5N1) (5N2) (5N4) (5N5)
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