This 'Sustainable Consumption and Production - Overview and Activity Ideas' document contains an overview of the 'Sustainable Consumption and Production' aspect of sustainability, which is one
of the key areas targeted by the United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs). This document provides a summary of the specific targets and actions set by the United Nations in this area along with a range of key stage specific cross-curricular lesson and activity ideas that teachers could use to focus on sustainability in the classroom. For a number of the lesson ideas, we have provided additional resources to support teaching or to give more in-depth information about an activity. Where these additional resources are available, there is a link alongside the idea in this document.
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Information about SDG 12 - The United Nations goal for sustainable consumption and production
A summary of the key targets within this goal
Ideas for ways the school, class or pupils could help to meet some of the targets
Lesson ideas and suggestions of activities for teachers to focus on this aspect of sustainability organised into key stages
A short glossary of associated vocabulary for children to refer to
This resource is available to download with a Premium subscription.