Tens and Ones Year 1 Place Value Learning Video Clip

Tens and Ones Year 1 Place Value Learning Video Clip

Step 3: Tens and Ones Year 1 Place Value Learning Video Clip

Diver Dan is collecting shells and exploring the coral reef. He counts the amounts of different shells and partitions the number into tens and ones to help with his collecting. He also partitions amounts of seahorses into tens and ones to help with his counting.

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Discussion points for teachers

1. How many ones does he have?
Discuss how many shells there are in a bag. Discuss how many ones are left over and count to check.
5 ones

2. How many bags of ten does he have?
Discuss how many shells there are in a bag. Discuss how many ones there are and what should be added to the ones to make the correct number.
1 ten

3. How many ones does he need to collect?
Discuss how many shells there are in a bag. Discuss the amount that Dan wants to collect and count on to check. Discuss how many ones are needed to make the correct amount.
8 ones

4. How many tens are there? How many ones?
Discuss how many seahorses can fit on one piece of coral. Discuss how many full pieces of coral there are and how many ones are on the other piece of coral.
1 ten and 9 ones

5. How many seahorses are on the coral now?
Discuss how many seahorses have swam away. Discuss how many tens there are and how many ones there are. Discuss counting the amount of seahorses to check the new total.

6. How many other numbers can you make by placing seahorses on the coral? You do not have to use them all!
Discuss the different ways of organising the seahorses on the empty piece of coral to create different numbers. Discuss how many sea horses are on the full piece of coral. This question is open-ended for the children to explore.
Various answers, for example: 1 ten + 1 one = 11

Optional discussion points:
How else could he represent the animals in tens and ones? What else could be counted on the seabed?

National Curriculum Objectives

Mathematics Year 1: (1N2c) Read and write numbers from 1 to 20 in numerals and words

Mathematics Year 1: (1N4) Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least

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