Word Families Year 4 Suffixes Free Resource Pack

Word Families Year 4 Resources

Step 1: Word Families Year 4 Spring Block 4 Resources

Word Families Year 4 Resource Pack includes a teaching PowerPoint and differentiated varied fluency and application and reasoning resources. This pack is designed to work alongside our GPS Scheme of Work for Spring Block 4.


What's included in the pack?

This pack includes:

  • Word Families Year 4 Teaching PowerPoint.
  • Word Families Year 4 Varied Fluency with answers.
  • Word Families Year 4 Application and Reasoning with answers.


National Curriculum Objectives

English Year 4: (3G6.4) Word families based on common words, showing how words are related in form and meaning [for example, solve, solution, solver, dissolve, insoluble]


Varied Fluency
Developing Questions to support understanding and identifying word families when the suffix does not change the root word.
Expected Questions to support understanding and identifying word families when the suffix sometimes changes the root word.
Greater Depth Questions to support understanding and identifying word families when the suffix changes the root word or a prefix has also been added.

Application and Reasoning
Questions 1, 4 and 7 (Reasoning)
Developing Explain how a suffix has changed the meaning of the root word. Includes word families where the suffix does not change the root word.
Expected Explain how a suffix has changed the meaning of the root word. Includes word families where the suffix sometimes changes the root word.
Greater Depth Explain how a suffix has changed the meaning of the root word. Includes word families where the suffix changes the root word or a prefix has also been added.

Questions 2, 5 and 8 (Reasoning)
Developing Explain which given statement is correct. Includes words where the suffix does not change the root word.
Expected Explain which given statement is correct. Includes words where more than one given suffix may be added to the root word.
Greater Depth Explain which given statement is correct. Includes words where a suffix and a prefix can be added to the same root word.

Questions 3, 6 and 9 (Application)
Developing Sort given words into the relevant word families. Includes word families where the suffix does not change the root word.
Expected Create new words using the suffixes provided. Includes word families where the suffix sometimes changes the root word.
Greater Depth Create new words using the suffixes provided. Prefix is already added to the root word. Includes word families where the suffix changes the root word or a prefix has also been added.

This resource is available to download with a Taster subscription.