Maths Resources & WorksheetsYear 3 Maths Resources & WorksheetsYear 3 Autumn Maths - Addition and Subtraction06 Add 3-Digit Numbers and Tens › Add 3-Digit Numbers and Tens Homework Extension Year 3 Addition and Subtraction

Add 3-Digit Numbers and Tens Homework Extension Year 3 Addition and Subtraction

Add 3-Digit Numbers and Tens Homework

Step 6: Add 3-Digit Numbers and Tens Homework Extension Year 3 Autumn Block 2

Add 3-Digit Numbers and Tens Homework Extension provides additional questions which can be used as homework or an in-class extension for the Year 3 Add 3-Digit Numbers and Tens Resource Pack. These are differentiated for Developing, Expected and Greater Depth.

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What's included in the pack?

This pack includes:

  • Add 3-Digit Numbers and Tens Homework Extension with answers for Year 3 Autumn Block 2

National Curriculum Objectives

Mathematics Year 3: (3C1) Add and subtract numbers mentally, including three-digit number and tens


Questions 1, 4 and 7 (Varied Fluency)
Developing Complete the number sentences when adding multiples of ten to a 3-digit number. Numbers represented using Base 10 and numerals where the tens digit is underlined.
Expected Complete the representations when adding multiples of ten to a 3-digit number. Numbers represented using bar models, part whole models and place value charts.
Greater Depth Complete the representations when adding two multiples of ten to a 3-digit number with exchange. Numbers represented using bar models, part whole models and statements using numerals and words.

Questions 2, 5 and 8 (Varied Fluency)
Developing Use the Base 10 cards to complete the number sentences when adding multiples of ten to 3-digit numbers with no bridging over the hundreds and numbers represented using Base 10 and numerals where the tens digit is underlined.
Expected Use the number cards to complete the number sentences when adding multiples of ten to 3-digit numbers. Number cards given with numerals only.
Greater Depth Use the number cards to complete the missing number sentences when adding two multiples of ten to 3-digit numbers. Numbers represented using numerals and words.

Questions 3, 6 and 9 (Reasoning and Problem Solving)
Developing Identify and explain errors where multiples of ten are added to 3-digit numbers with no bridging over the hundreds. Numbers represented using Base 10.
Expected Identify and explain errors where multiples of ten are added to 3-digit numbers. Numbers represented using place value counters and numerals.
Greater Depth Identify and explain errors where two multiples of ten are added to 3-digit numbers. Numbers represented using numerals and words.

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