This EYFS Christmas Activities Provision Enhancement resource includes a variety of activities, such as threading a Christmas tree to develop fine motor skills, using phonics to build a word and make it 'snow' and even building a new sleigh for Santa in the construction area. Links can be made to shape, space, measurement and number too. The activity cards include a range of ideas that could be set up in continuous provision for the children to access independently, but also ideas for adult-led activities.
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This pack includes enhancements to be used in all the following areas:
About this resource:
This resource has been designed for use in the different provision areas in the classroom. A range of fun and engaging activities have been included, with most activities giving an opportunity to prompt discussion around previous learning. Links can also be made to shape, space, measurement, number and phonics. The activity cards include a range of ideas that could be set up in continuous provision for the children to access independently, but also ideas for adult-led activities.
Development Matters Statements Links:
3 and 4 year olds
Explore different materials freely, to develop their ideas about how to use them and what to make.
Develop their own ideas and then decide which materials to use to express them.
Children in Reception
Explore, use and refine a variety of artistic effects to express their ideas and feelings.
Create collaboratively, sharing ideas, resources and skills.
Early Learning Goal:
Safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function;
Share their creations, explaining the process they have used;
Make use of props and materials when role playing characters in narratives and stories.
This resource is available to download with a Premium subscription.