Fact or Opinion? KS2 Reading Test Practice

These questions have been taken from the Sample KS2 Reading test to help your children practise specific question types.

National Curriculum Objective
English Year 5 and Year 6: Distinguish between statements of fact and opinion


Beginner Includes 3 different text types based on an advert, non-chronological report and an interview. Each text type includes 5 statements to be identified as a fact or opinion. Aimed at Year 5 Secure.

Easy Includes 3 different text types based on an advert, non-chronological report and an interview. Each text type includes 6 statements to be identified as a fact or opinion. More information and trickier vocabulary included in each text type. Aimed at Year 5 Mastery.

Tricky Includes 4 different text types based on an advert, non-chronological report, an interview and a newspaper report. Each text type includes 7 statements to be identified as a fact or opinion. More information, multi-clause sentences and challenging vocabulary included in each text type. Aimed at Year 6 Emerging.

Expert Includes 4 different text types based on an advert, non-chronological report, an interview and a newspaper report. Each text type includes 8 statements to be identified as a fact or opinion. More information, multi-clause sentences, wider range of punctuation and challenging vocabulary included in each text type. Aimed at Year 6 Developing.

Worksheets include answers.

Beginner Easy Tricky Expert

Fact or Opinion? - Beginner (Worksheet)

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Fact or Opinion? - Easy (Worksheet)

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Fact or Opinion? - Tricky (Worksheet)

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Fact or Opinion? - Expert (Worksheet)

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