Free Comparing Statements Year 3 Multiplication and Division Learning Video Clip


Step 1: Free Comparing Statements Year 3 Multiplication and Division Learning Video Clip

We meet Vodi and Efna who live in the Neolithic village of Skara Brae in the Orkney Islands. They spend their days farming the land and hunting for food. Follow them through their day as they compare arrays of barley planted in a field, compare the number of fish Vodi catches to that of his dad, compare the amount of berries Efna collects compared to her mum and make statements complete when arranging food for the festival of the Summer Solstice.

More resources for Spring Block 1 Step 1.


Discussion points for teachers

1. Which statement matches Vodi’s array? What symbol would you use to compare the two arrays?
Discuss what Vodi’s array shows and what Efna’s array shows. Discuss the commutativity of calculations and finding the division sum of an array. Discuss comparison symbols and which would be correct when comparing Vodi’s array to Efna’s.
B matches Vodi’s array. The correct symbol is >

2. Is Vodi correct?
Discuss commutativity of calculations. Discuss the answer for each statement.
Vodi is incorrect, they both have the same amount.

3. Which comparison symbol should Vodi use to make the statement correct?
Discuss what is known about the two amounts. Discuss comparison symbols.
Vodi should use the = sign.

4. That means I have collected 28 berries in total. Do you agree?
Discuss repeated addition and how to make this into a multiplication calculation.
Efna is incorrect. 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 35, not 28.

5. Efna writes this comparison symbol to compare the two statements. Is she correct?
Discuss the two statements and which symbol would be correct to use.
Efna is incorrect, the correct symbol would be >.

6. How many ways can the sentence be completed to make the statement correct?
Discuss the amounts on each plate and the totals. Discuss the different values for lentils.
Various answers, for example: lentils =  4 x 6; 3 x 8; 9 x 3

National Curriculum Objectives

Mathematics Year 3: (3C8) Solve problems, including missing number problems, involving multiplication and division, including positive integer scaling problems and correspondence problems in which n objects are connected to m objects

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