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Free Roman Numerals Homework Extension Year 4 Place Value

Free Roman Numerals Homework

Step 1: Free Roman Numerals Homework Extension Year 4 Autumn Block 1

Free Roman Numerals Homework provides additional questions which can be used as homework or an in-class extension for the Year 4 Roman Numerals Resource Pack. These are differentiated for Developing, Expected and Greater Depth.

More resources for Autumn Block 1 Step 1.

What's included in the pack?

This pack includes:

  • Free Roman Numerals Homework Extension with answers for Year 4 Autumn Block 1.

National Curriculum Objectives

Mathematics Year 4: (4N3b) Read Roman numerals to 100 (I to C) and know that over time, the numeral system changed to include the concept of zero and place value

Mathematics Year 4: (4N6) Solve number and practical problems that involve all of the above and with increasingly large positive numbers


Questions 1, 4 and 7 (Varied Fluency)
Developing Complete the addition and subtraction calculations using numerals, Roman numerals up to 20 and words.
Expected Complete the addition and subtraction calculations using numerals, Roman numerals up to 100 and words.
Greater Depth Complete the two-step addition and subtraction calculations using numerals, Roman numerals up to 100 and words.

Questions 2, 5 and 8 (Varied Fluency)
Developing Complete the number sequence using Roman numerals to 20 in calculations involving addition.
Expected Complete the number sequence using Roman numerals to 100 in calculations involving addition and subtraction.
Greater Depth Complete the number sequence using Roman numerals to 100 in addition and subtraction calculations involving inverse operation.

Questions 3, 6 and 9 (Reasoning and Problem Solving)
Developing Identify the correct statement and explain why using knowledge of Roman numerals to 20.
Expected Identify the correct statement and explain why using knowledge of Roman numerals to 100.
Greater Depth Identify the correct statement when solving a two-step problem and explain why using knowledge of Roman numerals to 100.

This resource is available to download with a Taster subscription.