This KS2 Goodnight Mister Tom Chapter 21 Whole Class Guided Reading Pack includes differentiated questions and activities based on the second chapter of the novel by Michelle Magorian.
In this chapter, Will and his friends are getting ready to go back to school after the long summer. Will and Zach go to see Carrie off to her new high school. When they get to school, they see Geoffrey Sanderton with Miss Thorne. During the lesson, Nancy Little comes to collect Zach and Will realises something bad must have happened to his friend's parents in London. Zach, who was already worried about them due to the increase in attacks, decides to go and visit his father who has been rushed to hospital. While Zach is away, Will celebrates his tenth birthday. That night, they hear over the wireless how bad the attacks are in London and Will worries about Zach. At the end of the chapter, the Littles come to tell Tom and Will the devastating news that Zach has been killed in the Blitz.
This pack contains colour-coded questions to ensure clear differentiated, as well as differentiated challenge tasks focussed upon direct/indirect speech, punctuation, ordering events and the effects of the war on the villagers.
National Curriculum Objectives:
- understand what they read by drawing inferences such as
inferring characters feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions, and justifying
inferences with evidence